Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Alien Leg Forms

Toby and I share an affliction in that we both react really strongly to mosquito bites. In Minneapolis they seem to prefer Toby to me as a meal; here? well I'm being eaten alive regardless of spray, coils, plug-ins and all the other protection devices; everyone else is bug bite free.

I managed to get over the fact that my feet/ankles/calves looked like props for Dr. Who and was soldiering on with my copious supply of topical remedies. After yet another night of interrupted sleep and 3am cold compresses I decided it was time to go systemic.

Unable to locate anti-histamines in my luggage (I know they're in there, I packed them) I walked into a pharmacy to explain what I needed. Key words: allergy & tablet along with some universal actions for taking same. I ended up with 20 small white pills encased in foil with an active ingredient and strength printed on, in date, and manufactured by Glaxo. Being a product of the advertising age, my knowledge of pharmaceuticals is limited to brand names. Quick check online before taking them and hurrah! got the right thing first time. The internet even tells you standard dosing for such things.

Within an hour I no longer had a mood as ugly as my ankles and although I'm still too blotchy to wear anything but long trousers, I feel like we really achieved something. Roll on shorter clothes and a leg tan.

- quick school update: both kids love to be on the bus, and while they are sketchy on the names of their new friends, they are clearly bonding with some of their classmates and busmates. Tonight I take Toby to check out the Tae Kwon Do training that they host in the Palm Meadows club. It will be great if he can back into it quickly, he has not been to class in 3 weeks and I think he misses it.

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